débrouillez vous avec ça :
This is the Plan B Toolbox Modular Synthesizer, built for Danny Carey of Tool which will make it's public debut with Tool on Saturday, April 27 at the Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, Australia – replacing the iconic Synthi AKS Danny has been using for nine years. This was filmed in Danny's studio just before it was packed into it's road case for the trip. Instrumentation of the synth is as follows:
Row 1:
Subcon/Plan B Model 15 VCO
Plan B Model 15 VCO (x2)
Plan B Model 39 Wave Splicer
Subcon/Plan B Model 37 Utility VCO/LFO
Plan B Model 9 Mixer
Plan B Model 7 ELF Panner
Output module (power) outputs/levels , light
Row 2:
Intelligel Quantizer
Intellijel microfold
Plan B Model 10 Envelope Generator (x2)
Plan B Model 12 Vactrol Filter
Plan B Model 11 Evil Twin Bandpass Filter
Plan B Model 13 Dual Timbral Gates
Plan B Model 25 Multi-Tasking Audio Processor (attenuator/waveshaper, VC, Ring Modulator)
Row 3:
ADDAC Integrator
Plan B Model 23 Analog Shift Register
Plan B Model 28 Programmable Tap Clock
Plan B Model 14 Dual Voltage Processor/Crossfader
Plan B Model 26 Multi-Tasking Control Processor (boolean gates, voltage mirror, portemento)
Plan B Model 24 Heisenberg Generator (slopped and arbitrary random voltage generators)
Plan B Model 21C Mini Milton Sequencer
Row 4:
Make Noise Phonogene
Make Noise Echophon
Intellijel Korgmatrom FIlter
Plan B Model 10 Envelope Generator
Plan B Model 21 Buffered Multiple
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Case built by Chas Smith