more pics of my drum sets

Mettez ici les photos de votre kit adoré, avec descriptif, photos et tout ce que vous voulez !
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kuchnie na wymiar Dąbrowa Górnicza Chorzów Jaworzno
Inscription : sam. 19 janv. 2008, 23:32
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more pics of my drum sets

Message par luciano »

I think one of the pic I posted did not show, I'll post it again together
with another small set, 12x16 bd, 12x14 ft, 8x12 tt, snare is a 5x14
Hope you like it........ ... 2/Nik1.jpg ... inches.jpg

Ouane, tou, fri, fore !
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Inscription : mer. 5 déc. 2007, 15:28
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Message par Lilion »

amazing 12x16 bd :O

nice kit man!
[url=]Mes deux batteries, Pearl Export 96' et TD-6 KW[/url]


Message par Nawak »

i like the finishion 8)

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transe les chionnes

Message par soft »

Crazy Drummer a écrit :i like the finishion 8)
yes it is a good finishion and a good reeghowlade as ouelle
" the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us"


Message par Nawak »

excuse me i am not british ;)

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Message par MetalFarther »

Hey Luciano! Very nice kit indeed!

Welcome by the way :wink:

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Message par Jabul »

Nice drumkit guy!
"Ce n'est pas parce que je suis paranoïaque qu'ils ne sont pas tous après moi."
Pierre Desproges


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Inscription : lun. 6 mars 2006, 18:50
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Message par Francko »

very nice drumkit !
and welcome to you . you are probably the first italian around here !
" Le sage est celui qui sait qu'il lui reste plus à apprendre que ce qu'il sait déjà "

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un gens
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Message par un gens »

nice gretsch kit!

an exact copy of the kit I want to have fun!

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Messages : 9
Inscription : sam. 19 janv. 2008, 23:32
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Message par luciano »

Thanks to all of you, yes these kind of drum sets are now very difficult to find, almost impossible and the cost of them is very high.
Although Gretsch sounds great and no other drumsets come close(for jazz)
I have to say that the Asba kit sounds great too, I have tuned it very high and that way I can get a comparable sound to the Gretsch bebop kits.....

I am a member of in the Usa and when I posted the pic of the Asba kit a fellow suggested me to show this kit on your forum so that's what I did.


Message par Nawak »

Yes, you made a very good choice to come in this forum :)

Incidentally, I use a very good translator :P

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Inscription : dim. 13 nov. 2005, 21:49

Message par pirla »

Francko a écrit :.... you are probably the first Italian around here !
Not exactly, perc1713 got enlisted last month (he's an Asba fan too). We have maybe some non declared Italian readers. But anyway, it's good to have foreign drummers here
- it brings other experiences and views
- it keeps French drummers practicing their English ;)

Luciano, please don't forget to keep us informed about Roberto Spizzichino work.

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En plein solo
Messages : 1046
Inscription : lun. 6 mars 2006, 18:50
Localisation : DTC au fond a droite , second escalier , interphone du haut .

Message par Francko »

pirla a écrit : . But anyway, it's good to have foreign drummers here
- it brings other experiences and views
- it keeps French drummers practicing their English
you're right !
" Le sage est celui qui sait qu'il lui reste plus à apprendre que ce qu'il sait déjà "


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