Thanks for posting this Antoine and thanks to everybody for supporting my work.
A few comments:
Hammering budget level cymbals is only a very small part of what I do. On this forum I am mostly known for this, but that creates a false impression.
Most of the cymbals I hammer are expensive cymbals: Zildjian K, Avedis, A Custom, Sabian HH/AA/AAX/HHX, Paiste 2002, Sigs, .... I also hammer K Constantinoples, Paiste Traditionals, so the most expensive cymbals on the market. All of these cymbals have been insufficiently or wrongly hammered in the factory ! There is much more sound in them than is obtained by the factory hammering. I also hammer Istanbuls, Bosphorus, even old K's, because the factory hand-hammering they got is often not very correct and done without great care. Many hammerers in Turkish factories have only enough training to
shape a cymbal, but not to
sound-hammer a cymbal. There's often much that can be improved. I don't mean to say that all factory cymbals are bad of course.
My goal is simply to do what the factories don't do because they want to make cymbals too
fast. I want to give each cymbal enough time and (strategical) hammering so the sound becomes much richer. Or to change the sound to the wish of the customer.
Many of the people that ask for rehammering are professional drummers, I get quite a bit of (expensive) cymbals sent from professional US Jazz drummers who ask for modifications.
lebucheron a écrit : remarteler c'est refragiliser la cymbale .
If you have no hammering experience you will indeed make cymbals fragile or break them during hammering. But do you really think I would hammer other people's cymbals if that would make them more fragile ??

I would be in a lot of trouble if they break soon and I would get many complaints. Of course every cymbal can break, I will not pretend that my cymbals can't. But I can tell you in all honesty that very few of my cymbals have broken, certainly no more than normal factory cymbals.
I can even make some types of factory cymbals less fragile by hammering them in a certain way so the cymbal's inner tension is divided better. Z Customs are an example of this.
lebucheron a écrit :
Faudrait peut être commencer avant! Pour un bronze (même alliage même forme même diamètre) donné tu prends 250 millions de gallettes tu les marteles de la même manière tu obtiendras le même son. Ca s'appelle un process industriel et une qualité quasi-garantie (sauf ratage)!

I suggest you try to find 10 "identical" factory cymbals that sound exactly the same.... especially when the alloy is B20 you will find that they all sound different, sometimes extremely different. With B8 alloy they can be almost identical (like Paiste 2002), but even then there are differences.
But consistency, always the same sound is what you expect
from a factory. To people who buy factory cymbals this can be a "quality" aspect. But other people (such as me) look for uniqueness of sound.
[b][url=]JOHAN Cymbal Re-Creation and Custom Cymbals[/url][/b]